
09 September 2023: THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND YOUR FINANCES – Acts 1:8; Deuteronomy 8:18


If you can understand the Holy Ghost as the highest form of wealth, you will respect Him, pursue Him, and treasure your relationship with Him. I am saying this to you just as the Lord revealed to me that the greatest wealth that exists is the Holy Spirit.

Commit yourself to knowing the Holy Spirit; ask Him to help you to know Him. He can show you things that will elevate you.

He can take one item of His creation and show you a thousand things you can get from it, but will you pay the prize to enter into that intercourse and interaction with Him? There are people today that if the Holy Ghost asks them to choose between Him and 10 million (in any currency), will say, “Holy Ghost, please let me take $10 million.” As you’re reading this, you may be saying, “This pastor thinks it is easy to say the Holy Ghost is the greatest form of wealth after he has made it! Let me also make it and I will say, the Holy Spirit did it.”

Some people erroneously believe that they have to make it in life first before they can say that the Holy Ghost is the highest form of wealth and claim the Holy Ghost led them to make it when it was their labour or the devil’s involvement that made them. God is calling you back to your advantage, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows the business you should do and the one you should not venture into. He knows the deals you should reject and the ones you should invest in. He knows the things you should not get involved with. However, you have to give Him that place of honour for Him to communicate those secrets to you.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray for a renewed fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I commit to a fresh and deeper walk with the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Isaiah 3:1-5:30; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15; Psalm 53:1-6; Proverbs 22:28-29

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